We all need to realise that the balance of our world´s ecosystem depends on our oceans. Ocean = Life. All wild life in the ocean contributes to this fine equilibrium. The problem? Conventional overfishing, killing of all kinds of species underwater, destruction of barrier reefs which serve as a natural habitat for all sorts of life underwater, as well as contamination through chemicals, heavy metals, radiation…and the list goes on.
It is very common nowadays for people to have meat-free mondays. If you are not vegan or vegetarian yet, how about shifting the 1 day without meat/fish to 5 or 6 days instead? You will be surprised by how much better you will feel in your body! You might wanna know as well that fish caught in the oceans is mostly loaded with heavy metals, micro plastic and other toxic substances that eventually end up in your own body after you ate them. That´s right. You are far better off choosing plant-based foods that by the way also got you covered with all nutrients. Chia seeds have 8x more omega3 fatty acids than salmon and are even easier to absorb and assimilate for the body. Just make sure to soak chia in water for at least 2-6hrs to make sure it´s well activated. You could try any of my CHIA PUDDING recipes. For complete supplementation I recommend taking microalgae oil.
Did you know that in the majority of cosmetics you find really nasty, health-harming ingredients derived from dead sharks, whales, etc.? Choose eco-friendly and plant-based cosmetics. There are more and more options out there. One example at the leading edge for conscious 100% plant-based and fresh (no conservatives) body care is the rapidly growing and world-wide expanding Austrian company Ringana.
You would say it´s common sense, but unfortunately not for everybody. Trash that lands on the streets often goes into rivers and guess where rivers end up… that´s right… in the sea/ocean. Millions of sea animals are dying every year simply because of plastic bags floating around. Don´t throw away trash and if you see it lying or floating around, pick it up! Re-use, Recycle and use biodegradable bags.
Of course there are many many more ways how you can help save the oceans. By already choosing a more or fully or mostly plant-based diet you will certainly make the biggest contribution for the whole planet.
It starts with you, right here, right now!
With all my love,
Photo: Romain Almirall-Torrel-Fürstler
Underwater Model: AngelikA Fürstler
Photo Editing: Eleanor Farquhar
Photo Collage: AngelikA Fürstler
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